Friday, December 21, 2012

The Ultimate Christmas Wish Granted

There are many people experiencing hard times. There are somethings that may seem impossible. There are some things that only God can help you with. When you wish for something it is not your job to determine how your wish would come true. Many people have told me that I'm a dreamer. Being a dreamer I have learned that opportunities happen every day. If you have an open mind, anything is possible. The ultimate gift I have received is through Jesus Christ. Many people do not believe in God. I believe that God loves us all and that he is mindful of you where ever you are and wants you to be happy. I feel that we all have an opportunity to live life everyday. Make the most of what you have and always have gratitude. Your life is a blessing. You have the power to create your own life the way you want it.

I hope I can be a Christmas Angel to the rescue. I have decided to grant a few Christmas wishes. So, what is your Ultimate Christmas Wish? Please comment if you would like your wish to come true.